This is the home of the O’Conboy Trust.
Celebrating the life of the iconic Caitlin O’Conbhuidhe.
UPDATE: Specific details have been removed to protect the privacy of businesses and individuals.

Cait was recovered from REMOVED Colliery on June 18th 1956, where she appeared dazed, confused and generally uncooperative. She was discovered to have been preserved in a coffin filled with amber for an undetermined amount of centuries.

After hours of helping her to get bearings with her surroundings, she explained that she belonged to an ancient race of humanoid animals that formed societies thousands of years ago in the places we now live today.

After being held in government buildings while being examined and questioned, she was eventually given a permanent residence in the countryside.

During her time in the modern day, she pursued a career of performing, mainly Drag. Naturally, she was extremely popular with tourists, with people flocking from all around the globe to see her live, doing wonders for the local economy and saving the REMOVED Empire Theatre from financial failure.

(Poster designers were only given a description of Caitlin, not a photo reference.)

It was the owner, Donnie Duff, who suggested she go cross-country. With him has her manager, Cait would perform in theatres up and down the country, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. The both of them made hundreds of times more than what they were earning originally, with Cait saving partially to go towards settling down, while Donnie kept the Empire funded.

This could not last forever however, as Cait got increasingly homesick and uncomfortable with judgmental and hostile audiences, while Donnie needed to stay home to maintain his theatre. As replacement, Donnie hired Empire actor Scott Lyons to manage Cait’s tours.

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